Making manuals that work

Give us a lift and we'll give you one

If you recommend someone to us that you think may be interested in supplying us with an O&M manual project and they complete a project agreement we will give you one of these great boys toys absolutely free (while stocks last).

Last updated on 03 November 2016

Get a free remote control helicopter if you recommend us to somebody who buys.

Fancy bagging yourself one of these fantastic remote control Chinook Helicopters from SYMA?

If you recommend someone to us who has a project for which we might be able to supply the O&M manuals, and they complete a project agreement, we will give you one of these great boy's toys absolutely free (while stocks last).

Watch the video below to see this superb toy in action:

The latest three channel Chinook remote controlled helicopter with four rotors giving amazing stability
and turning circle.

The body is built to be crash resistant with fold-on-impact blades, solid structure body
and flexible moving parts.


Just supply us with your email address, along with that of your suggested recipient to be in with a chance of grabbing yourself one of these beauties.

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Recipient's Name Recipient's email
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